Peter Heering


Peter Heering is Full Professor of Physics and its Didactics and its History at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. He studied physics and chemistry to become a secondary school teacher. After completing a PhD in physics history and didactics and a two year internship (Referendariat), he became senior lecturer in the institute of physics at the Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

After being a Scholar-in-Residence at the Deutsches Museum München and a professorial substitute in physics didactics at the Universität Augsburg, Heering moved to Flensburg in 2009. 

Research focus

  • History of Physics
  • Replication method
  • history of science education
  • history of science in science education


  • Paul-Bunge Preis, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker und die Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 2024
  • Archimedes-Preis, Deutschen Verein zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts e.V.2011
Peter Heering

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Publikationen von Peter Heering

Historical Perspectives on Material Artefacts and Practices in Science Education
Experiments and Instruments in the History of Science Teaching