Pawel Sawinski


Pawel Sawinski was born in Poznań in 1974. In 1993, he enrolled at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań as a student of history. In 2002 he won his PhD in history with the thesis “Holders of Extraordinary Imperium in the reign of Augustus and Tiberius: a Study into the Beginnings of thePrincipate”. In 2016 Sawinski habilitated with the book “Succession of Imperial Power under the Julio-Claudian Dynasty (30 BCE–68 CE)”. The next year he became an appointed professor of Adam Mickiewicz University.

Over the course of his academic career he received and took part in several foreign scholarships, including DAAD at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Italian Government Scholarship at the Sapienza University of Rome, and Polish Historical Mission scholarship at the University of Würzburg.

In 2017 Sawinski did a research internship at the University of Warsaw as a visiting professor, and in the same year, he took part in archaeological excavations in Risan (Montenegro) ran by the Centre for Research into Antiquity in South-Eastern Europe.

Research focus

  • Julio-Claudian dynasty
  • Flavian dynasty
  • Domus Augusta
  • Damnatio memoriae
  • Publishing topics
  • Succession policies of the Julio-Claudian emperors
  • Dynastic principle under the principate
  • Extraordinary imperia held by members of the imperial family under Augustus and Tiberius
  • Damnatio memoriae during the principate

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Publikationen von Pawel Sawinski

History and Memory
Studies in Ancient Monarchies, Band 8