Mike Gasher


After working for six different newspapers as a reporter, editor, and copy editor, Mike Gasher pursued graduate studies in communication, and having completed his PhD in 1999, spent 19 years as a professor in the Department of Journalism at Concordia University in Montreal. He received a number of internal and external research grants throughout his academic career, and published numerous journal articles and book chapters on the topics of media geography, political economy of the news media, issues of representation in the news media, Canadian communication and cultural policy, audience address, and location film and television production.

He is the co-author of Media and Communication in Canada, widely considered the „gold standard“ of introductory textbooks on the subject. He has co-edited volumes on the current crisis in journalism, the political economy of the news media in Canada and the United States, news geography, and location film and television production. Maps of the News is his second monograph, the product of the Geography of News Project, of which he was the lead researcher.

Research focus

  • Media geography
  • Media representation

Publishing topics

  • Media geography
  • Communication and cultural policy
  • Political economy of media
  • Media representation
  • Audience address
  • Location film and television production
Mike Gasher

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