Publikationen von Joanna Kulawiak-Cyrankowska
Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge,
Band 88
Joanna Kulawiak-Cyrankowska is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Roman Law at the University of Lodz, Poland, where she teaches Roman Law and Latin. She holds a doctorate in Law and a Master's degree in Classical Philology.
Currently, Kulawiak-Cyrankowska is the principal investigator of the Polish National Science Centre-funded project „In a Distorting Mirror? Law as Presented in Roman Satire“. She is also a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bamberg, Germany, contributing to the ERC Consolidator Grant-funded project „Understanding Late Antique Top-Down Communication: A Study of Imperial Constitutions (AntCoCo)“.
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