François Duchesneau


Agrégé de philosophie (France), Docteur d'État ès-lettres et sciences humaines en philosophie (Université Paris 1), François Duchesneau is an Emeritus Professor of the Université de Montréal and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He held the Mercier Chair at the the Catholic University of Louvain in 1994–95. He is considered a world expert in the history and philosophy of science and in the history of early modern philosophy.

Duchesneau is the author of some 220 articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes, 95 book reviews, He edited 11 books and published 12 monographs.


  • Humanities Prize of the Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences in 1992
  • Killam Prize for the Human Sciences of the Canada Council in 2003

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Publikationen von François Duchesneau

Origin and Structure of a New Science
Studia Leibnitiana – Sonderhefte, Band 58