Engelbert Winter


Engelbert Winter is Professor for Ancient History at the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor in the Seminar of Ancient History at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster. Since 25 years he did a lot of field work in Turkey, since 2006 he is the head of excavation in ancient Doliche, Southeast of Anatolia.

Research Focus

  • Asia Minor in Hellenistic-Roman Times
  • Urbanization in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Construction and Reception of Religious/Cultural Landscapes
  • Local Identities in the Roman Near East
  • Roman-Persian relationships in Late Antiquity

Publishing Topics

  • History and culture of Asia Minor
  • Roman Near East
  • Roman-Persian relationships in Late Antiquity


  • Association of Historians of Germany
  • Mommsen Society
  • Centre for the History and Culture of the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Turkish Institute for Classical Studies (Institutum Turcicum Scientiae Antiquitatis)
  • German Archaeological Institute
  • Carl-Humann-Foundation
Engelbert Winter

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