David Peace


David Peace is a historian of science and medicine in twentieth century Europe. He is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Health, Ethics, and Society at the University of Hamburg and is part of the ERC funded “Taming the European Leviathan” project. His PhD, completed at the University of Kent, was titled “From Galtonian Eugenics to Biosocial Science: The Intellectual Origins and Policy Implications of Quantifying Heredity in Interwar and Post-War Britain”.

Peave’s current projects explore the historical relationship between developments in quantitative analysis and the medical biosciences across the 20th century, specialising in the influence of both eugenics and human genetics in population health policies. His research also intersects with the history of medical ethics and WMD prevention. His work is embedded within various historiographical traditions, including the history of ideas, the history of science and medicine.

Research focus

  • history of ideas (Geschichte der Ideen)
  • history of science and medicine (Geschichte der Wissenschaft und Medizin)
  • history of medical ethics (Geschichte der medizinischen Ethik)
  • history of philosophy (Geschichte der Philosophie)
  • social and political history (Soziale und politische Geschichte)
  • Eugenics (Eugenik)
  • Human Genetics (Humangenetik)
  • Population Health (Bevolkerungsgesundheit)
  • WMD Prevention (Pravention von Massenvernichtungswaffen)
  • Medical Ethics / Bioethics (Medizinische Ethik / Bioethik)


  • Eastern ARC Award
David Peace

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Publikationen von David Peace

The Nuremberg Diary and Correspondence
Geschichte und Philosophie der Medizin / History and Philosophy of Medicine, Band 18