Daniel Schiller

PD Dr. Daniel Schiller studied geography majoring in economic geography at Leibniz University Hannover and Vienna University of Economics and Business. He was a research associate at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at Leibniz University Hannover from 2003 to 2012. He completed his PhD thesis on university-industry linkages in Thailand in 2005. In 2012, he received his professorial qualifications (Habilitation) for his work on the electronics industry in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta.

His focus of research is on regional innovation, science and higher education systems, globalization, developing and emerging countries, and public finance. His regional research is mainly about Germany, the European Union and its neighboring countries as well as East- and South East Asia. Since 2012, he is a senior researcher at the Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research (NIW) and is responsible for the research field "Regions and Institutions".

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Publikationen von Daniel Schiller

The Electronics Industry in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta
Megacities and Global Change / Megastädte und globaler Wandel, Band 12