Christopher Bendle


Christopher Bendle graduated with Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne in 2014, with a double major in History and Ancient History. During this time, he participated in an excavation at Tell es-Safi/Gath. Electing to stay for a further Honours year, his undergraduate thesis compared the crises of the third century to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century. This earned him the William Culican Memorial Award, given annually to the highest graded undergraduate or postgraduate thesis in Classics, Ancient History, or Archaeology.

This placed Bendle in great standing to begin a Master of Arts at the same institute, being the first terminal M.A. student to receive the Australian Research Training Program Scholarship. During this time, his research focus refined onto the later Roman military, and he graduated in 2020.

Bendle then moved to the United States and spent the pandemic years working on his monograph about the Office of Magister Militum in the 4th Century CE. At the same time, he has been teaching Latin at the middle- and high-school levels, and studying Classics at the University of Pennsylvania. In April 2024 Bendle got accepted to start a PhD at the University of Cincinnati.

Research Focus

  • Late Antiquity
  • Ancient Identities
  • Military History
  • Collapse of the Roman Empire
  • Fourth-Century Roman Imperial Military History
  • Prosopography
  • Archontology
  • Social Network Analysis


  • Australian Research Training Program Scholarship
  • William Culican Memorial Award
  • Melbourne Global Scholars Award
Christopher Bendle

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Publikationen von Christopher Bendle

A Study into the Impact of Political and Military Leadership on the Later Roman Empire
Studies in Ancient Monarchies, Band 10