Benjamin Edidin Scolnic


Benjamin Scolnic is a pulpit rabbi and a scholar. He has been the spiritual leader at Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden, Connecticut since 1983. He was educated at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS). Scolnic has a Ph.D. in Bible from the Jewish Theological Seminary in addition to his rabbinical ordination. He have taught at Yale University, the University of Connecticut, JTS and since 2005 at Southern Connecticut State University.

He served as the host for a series of “The Eternal Light” radio shows, which were produced by JTS. He has published eleven books and many peer-reviewed articles in a number of fields. 

While his specialty is the Book of Daniel in the context of Hellenistic history, other interests are Seleukid studies, Hellelinistic war, Maccabees, Alexander, Polybius, Archaeology, Theology, Feminism, Liturgy and Education.

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Recruitment, Composition, and Organization
Seleukid Perspectives, Band 2