Axel Prestes Dürrnagel


Axel Prestes Dürrnagel holds a postdoctoral position with the Research Group Human Geography at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). From 2019 to 2024, he worked as a research assistant and PhD candidate with the Chair of Social and Population Geography at the University of Bayreuth. In his doctoral research, he investigated peri-urban life-worlds and conflict dynamics at the rural-urban interface of Maputo, Mozambique, where he conducted several months of ethnographic field research.

Prestes Dürrnagel’s research and teaching interests focus on human-environment interactions, (peri-)urban governance, land conflicts, and socio-spatial displacement processes, which he investigates from the perspectives of life-world phenomenology and political ecology. His regional foci are on South America (especially Brazil), Southern Africa (especially Mozambique), and Southern Germany, using qualitative ethnographic and participatory methods.

Research focus

  • Urban and Social Geography
  • Human-environment interactions
  • Land and resource governance and conflicts
  • Socio-spatial displacement processes
  • State-society interactions
Axel Prestes Dürrnagel
© Photo: Hiller

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Publikationen von Axel Prestes Dürrnagel

Everyday experiences, governance, and conflicts at the rural-urban interface of Maputo, Mozambique
Erdkundliches Wissen, Band 170