Wissenschaft in der Verantwortung

This series documents the awarding of the German Whistleblower Prize since 1999. Bestowed upon people who have exposed violations of rights, risks or dangers for human health, or other large abuses in their field, this prize is given out by the German section of the IALANA (International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms) and the Federation of German Scientists (“Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler”, VDW). With this prize, the organizations hope to contribute to making the value of whistleblowing for the common good more socially recognized and respected, as well as encouraging a long overdue legal protection for whistleblowers in Germany. The impressive cases of the prize winners are empathetically and excitingly presented in their political and social contexts. Along with this, important work and service documents are provided as much as possible. Through these aspects, the volumes of this series offer exciting entertainment, as well as political and legally relevant information to a wide reading public.

General information

ISSN 2367-3354 (print)

ISSN 2367-3362 (online)

Languages: English, German

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Latest books

Dieter Deiseroth (ed.) , Hartmut Graßl (ed.) , Heribert Prantl (coord.)
Whistleblower-Enthüllungen zu Krebsmittel-Panschereien und illegalen Waffengeschäften
Whistleblower-Preis 2017
Wissenschaft in der Verantwortung, Volume 3
Dieter Deiseroth (ed.) , Hartmut Graßl (ed.)
US-Airbase Ramstein und globaler Drohnenkrieg, Herbizid Roundup/Glyphosat als Gefahrenquelle, NS-Belastete im Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Whistleblower-Preis 2015
Wissenschaft in der Verantwortung, Volume 2
Preisverleihung - Awards 2011/2013 (Chelsea E. Manning; Edward J. Snowden)
Wissenschaft in der Verantwortung, Volume 5
Preisverleihung 2011 - Dr. Rainer Moormann
Wissenschaft in der Verantwortung, Volume 6