Berliner Juristische Universitätsschriften: Strafrecht

Since its founding in 1993, the juristic faculty at Humboldt University has had a large number of scientific works in the form of inaugural dissertations. Of these, the outstanding texts are published in a book series by the juristic faculty. This book series is published at the request of the faculty through the Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag and has appeared since its founding in December 1994 under the name Berliner Juristische Universitaetsschriften. The series is divided into four subcategories: Foundations of Law, Civil Law, Public Law, and Penal Law.

General information

ISSN 2367-0371 (print)

ISSN 2367-038X (online)

Languages: German

Publishing information

Your manuscript has been accepted for the series and you have the publishing contract in your hands? Then you are ready to prepare your manuscript for publication. Read in our authors' area what you should consider for the final touches to texts and images: 

If you would already like to know what the next production steps up to the finished book look like, you can get an overview here: 

Every project is different, however, and has its special challenges. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

Please see our information on copyright, self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


Do you wish to order the series on a continuing basis? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

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Latest books

Zur Strafbarkeit von Ärzten bei Kontakten mit der Arzneimittel- und Medizinprodukteindustrie de lege lata und de lege ferenda
Berliner Juristische Universitätsschriften: Strafrecht, Volume 47
Eine strafrechtliche Untersuchung homophober Äußerungen und Äußerungen in Bezug auf Homosexualität
Berliner Juristische Universitätsschriften: Strafrecht, Volume 45
Berliner Juristische Universitätsschriften: Strafrecht, Volume 44