
The Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG) is an institution of the Technische Universitaet Berlin which was established to enable research beyond disciplinary boundaries. Since current and future challenges – like climate change, biodiversity or digitalization – are complex, we carry out projects with a broad range of scientists and researchers from various fields, along with individuals, groups and institutions from civil society, business and government.

Our inter- and transdisciplinary perspective integrates social, legal, economic and user-specific concerns into innovation and transformation processes, thus putting technological and planning processes on a broader basis.

General information

ISSN 1613-3277 (print)

ISSN 2699-3600 (online)

Founded: 2004

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: German

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to the Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft at the Technische Universitaet Berlin.

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If you would already like to know what the next production steps up to the finished book look like, you can get an overview here: 

Every project is different, however, and has its special challenges. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

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For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


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Latest books

Ausbildungspaten und intergenerationelle Verantwortung als Erfolgsfaktor für die berufliche Praxis
Blickwechsel, Volume 9
Dorothee Keppler (ed.) , Heike Walk (ed.) , Erik Töpfer (ed.) , Hans-Liudger Dienel (ed.)
Erneuerbare Energien ausbauen!
Erfahrungen und Perspektiven regionaler Akteure in Ost und West
Blickwechsel, Volume 7
Eine Bedarfsanalyse für ein Wissenschaftsportal am Beispiel der Umweltpsychologie
Blickwechsel, Volume 6
Blickwechsel, Volume 3
Hans-Liudger Dienel (ed.) , Hans-Peter Meier-Dallach (ed.) , Carolin Schröder (ed.)
Die neue Nähe
Raumpartnerschaften verbinden Kontrasträume
Blickwechsel, Volume 1