Vierteljahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte

Journal & supplement series

The Vierteljahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG), founded in 1903, is the oldest journal for social and economic history; it regularly addresses theoretical and methodological questions and analyzes the state of research in the field. In 1923, the first volume in the supplement series was published.

In the area of social history, the VSWG is concerned with social policy, social developments, and individual social groups and strata in Europe from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, among other things. Its studies in economic history analyze economic policy, economic order, and financial history. It also includes the themes of Nazi economic policy and articles on the history of transportation and communications systems: Economic developments of any and all varieties can be described and discussed in its pages.

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Edited by

Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer


Universität Regensburg
Institut für Geschichte
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeschichte
Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten

Universität Tübingen
Abteilung Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Melanchthonstr. 30
72074 Tübingen

Prof. Dr. Markus A. Denzel

Universität Leipzig
Historisches Seminar
Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl

Freie Universität Berlin
Koserstr. 20
14195 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Fouquet

Universität Kiel
Historisches Seminar
Olshausenstr. 40
24118 Kiel

Prof. em. Dr. Günther Schulz

Universität Bonn
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft
Abteilung Verfassungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Konviktstr. 11
53113 Bonn

Journal editorial office

Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer

Universität Regensburg
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
Redaktion VSWG
93040 Regensburg

Starting with issue 1/2024, the journal “Vierteljahrschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte” (VSWG) will be published under the Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model. We are conducting this open access transformation pilot project in cooperation with the ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics. Read more about > Subscripe-to-Open

Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte

General information

ISSN 0340-8728 (print)

ISSN 2365-2136 (online)

Founded: 1903

Publication frequency: quarterly

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Annual number of pages: ca. 576

Languages: English, French, German, Italian

Review section: Yes

Validation: double blind peer review

Articles within VSWG are published under the license CC-BY-4.0. Find out about ways and conditions for sharing and redistribution here:

> CC-BY 4.0 license terms

Dietrich’s Index PhilosophicusInternationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBZ)Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur (IBR)Historical Abstracts (HA) / Historical Abstracts Full Text (HA full)ScopusSCImagoEconLitInternational Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), CoreMLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)JournalGuideJournal Citation Reports (JCR)ERIH PLUSUlrichs webGoogle ScholarH-Soz-Kult

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to the editor-in-chief. Submissions must be original articles (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. A manuscript submitted to the journal must be ready for publication, the editors do not accept partial or draft versions. In initial submissions, the citation rules of the journal do not have to be strictly followed. Please pay attention to the anonymization of your text so that your identity as author cannot be ascertained directly or indirectly (e.g. by acknowledgments and self-references in footnotes). All submissions are subjected to double blind peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the manuscript. The author is informed of the decision by email. The editors attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript. If a manuscript is accepted, the editors request a file with the final version. The final version includes names and acknowledgments. Also, please follow the guidelines of publisher and editors provided below. By submitting your article, you agree to publish under the license CC-BY-4.0. You grant the publisher the non-exclusive rights to reproduce, use and distribute your article within VSWG. The copyright is retained by the authors. There are no fees for submitting and publishing an article in the journal.

You can download our general guidelines for articles in journals and the citation style for Vierteljahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte here:

guidelines journal and yearbook articles

Please see our information on copyright, self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


For institutions: Do you wish to subscribe to Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

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Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte

General information

ISSN 0341-0846 (print)

ISSN 2510-7747 (online)

Founded: 1923

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: English, French, German, Italian

Validation: peer review

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to our acquisition managers or to the editors of the series. Submissions must be original texts (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. Monographs must be complete and fully finished. For multi-authored volumes contact us as early as possible with details of the planned contributions. In initial submissions, our publication guidelines or citation rules do not have to be strictly followed.

All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the project. You will be informed of the decision by email. We attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.

Your manuscript has been accepted for the series and you have the publishing contract in your hands? Then you are ready to prepare your manuscript for publication. Read in our authors' area what you should consider for the final touches to texts and images: 

If you would already like to know what the next production steps up to the finished book look like, you can get an overview here: 

Every project is different, however, and has its special challenges. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

Please see our information on copyright, self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


Do you wish to order the series on a continuing basis? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

Contact us

Latest supplement volumes

Atomwirtschaft und Kernenergiediskussion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1975–1992)
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, Volume 261
Die Monti di Pietà, franziskanische Wirtschaftsethik und städtische Sozialpolitik in Italien (15. und 16. Jahrhundert)
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, Volume 259
Die Staublunge der Ruhrbergleute zwischen wissenschaftlicher Entdeckung, betrieblicher Regulierung und gesellschaftlichem Vergessen in der Bundesrepublik
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, Volume 258
Finanzielle Verflechtungen zwischen Frankreich, der Kurie und Florenz
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, Volume 257