Universal Minority Rights? A Transnational Approach

Proceedings of the 5th Kobe Lectures. Tokyo and Kyoto, December 1998

Universal Minority Rights? A Transnational Approach

Proceedings of the 5th Kobe Lectures. Tokyo and Kyoto, December 1998

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Y. Morigiwa: Preface
F. Ishiyama: Introduction
W. Kymlicka: Universal Minority Rights? The Prospects for Consensus

M. Fukada: Comments and Questions to Professor W. Kymlicka
F. Ishiyama: A ‘Distinctively Liberal’ Theory of Minority Rights?
T. Katsuragi: Comments on Kymlicka’s Multicultural Citizenship
R. Hirai: When Kymlicka Takes on Asia
Y. Inada: A Kind of Strategic Essentialism? A Commentary on Kymlicka
S. Morimura: In Defense of Liberal Imperialism
I. Ozaki: Who Saves Whom? A Short Comment on Multicultural Citizenship
K. Hasegawa: Comments on Will Kymlicka’s Thinking about the Rights of Indigenous People
Y. Mouri: Towards a Liberal Extension of Multiculturalism: Focusing Attention on the Present Conditions of the Korean Minority in Japan
W. Kymlicka: Replies to Commentaries

Band 96
ISBN 978-3-515-11787-6
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Auflage 1.
Copyrightjahr 2004
Verlag Franz Steiner Verlag
Umfang 126 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz mit digitalem Wasserzeichen