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Sine fine
The excellent quality of the studies and the broadness of the scholarly horizon testified here make the book a precious testimony to the liveliness of a field of investigation
Serena Bianchetti, The Classical Review 74,1 (2024)
For more than a decade Klaus Geus has held the Chair for the Historical Geography of the Ancient Mediterranean at Freie Universität Berlin, during which he has continuously explored new ways in the study of the Greek and Roman world. Through his immense scholarly output and his extensive network, he has established himself as one of the foremost experts on historical geography.
The present collection of articles by thirty-one scholars from various disciplines is dedicated to Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. In line with Klaus Geus' research interests the articles of this Festschrift take the reader on a journey from the imperial court along the Roman roads into the provinces and far beyond the confines of the Mediterranean to the edges of the oikumene: India and Taprobane – Yemen and Ethiopia. On this odyssey through the ancient world particular attention is paid to common sense geography, and Herodotos, Mela, Ptolemy and Strabon are but a few of the Greek and Roman authors accompanying the reader.
„The excellent quality of the studies and the broadness of the scholarly horizon testified here make the book a precious testimony to the liveliness of a field of investigation – that of the historical geography of the ancient world – which in recent decades has been enriched, also thanks to the fundamental contribution of Geus, by new methodologies indispensable to the development of antiquarian studies.“
Serena Bianchetti, The Classical Review 74,1 (2024)
ISBN | 978-3-515-13351-7 |
Medientyp | E-Book - PDF |
Auflage | 1. |
Copyrightjahr | 2022 |
Verlag | Franz Steiner Verlag |
Umfang | 575 Seiten |
Abbildungen | 14 s/w Abb., 49 farb. Abb., 4 s/w Tab. |
Sprache | Englisch |
Kopierschutz | mit digitalem Wasserzeichen |