Werner Maihofer (Hg.) , Gerhard Sprenger (Hg.)

Revolution and Human Rights

Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Edinburgh 1989
Werner Maihofer (Hg.) , Gerhard Sprenger (Hg.)

Revolution and Human Rights

Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Edinburgh 1989

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lieferbar in ca. 2-4 Werktagen

I. Revolution and Law: H.P. Glenn: Law, Revolution and Rights — M.A. Simon: Must a Revolution Preserve Rights? — C. Wellman: Locke's Right to Revolution Reexamined — W.E. Murnion: Aquinas on Revolution — Shing-I Liu: Menschenrecht, Widerstandsrecht u. Revolution — II. Human Rights and Democracy: A. Mineau: L'origine des droits de l'homme — H. Köchler: Menschenrechtskonformität demokrat. Systeme — M. Scheinin: Legal Protection of Human Rights and Different Conceptions of Democracy — J.F. Doyle: Fulfilling Revolutionary Promises — N. López-Calera: Naturaleza dialéctica de los derechos humanos — J. Wetlesen: Inherent Dignity as a Ground of Human Rights — M.-R. Ollila: Virtue Ethics and Violations of Human Rights — P. Durán y Lalaguna: Human Rights in Democratic Society — C.B. Gray: Fraternity and Nonobstante — III. Human Rights and International Law: A. Bragyova: Is it Possible to Base Human Rights on Internaional Law? — L. Lukaszuk: The Concept of Protection of Human and Civic Rights According to the Principles and Rules of Both the International and Constitutional Law — A.N. Georgiadou: Les droits fondamentaux en droit communautaire — IV. Human Rights and Socialism: K.A. Mollnau: Entwicklungsdenken in der Rechtswissenschaft — W. Sokolewicz: Constitutionality as a Precondition of the Rule of Law — R. Wieruszewski: The Principle of Interrelation Between Human Rights and Duties — P.D. Swan: The Contributions of J. Habermas and C. Lefort — A. Lopatka: Revolution and Socialist Renewal in Poland — M. Samu: The Connection Between Human Rights and Democracy — D.J. Galligan: The Foundations of Due Process in Socialism — R. Bellamy: Liberal Rights and Socialist Goals
Reihe Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie – Beihefte
Band 41
ISBN 978-3-515-05612-0
Medientyp Buch - Kartoniert
Auflage 1.
Copyrightjahr 1990
Verlag Franz Steiner Verlag
Umfang 268 Seiten
Format 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Sprache Englisch