Kirche und Recht

Zeitschrift fuer die kirchliche und staatliche Praxis & supplement series

Edited by

Dr. Jörg Antoine

Lafim Diakonie
Berliner Straße 148
14467 Potsdam

Esther van Bebber

Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Paderborn e.V.
Am Stadelhof 15
33098 Paderborn

Bernd Th. Drößler

Universität Jena
Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3
07743 Jena

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kämper

Katholisches Büro Nordrhein-Westfalen
Hubertusstr. 3
40219 Düsseldorf

Dr. Jörg Kruttschnitt

Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V.
Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1
10115 Berlin

Dr. Evelyne Menges

Kanzlei Dr. Menges Rechtsanwälte
Herzogstraße 127
80796 München

Prof. Dr. Gernot Sydow


Universität Münster
Institut für vergleichendes und internationales öffentliches Recht
Universitätsstr. 14–16
48143 Münster

Editorial office

Jan Niermann
Lena Westphal

Universität Münster
Institut für Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht
Universitätsstr. 14–16
48143 Münster

Advisory board

Michael Droege, Andrea Edenharter, Maximilian Gromes, Felix Hammer, Noach Heckel, Stephan Iro, Herbert Kalb, Uta Losem, Stefan Muckel, Thomas Oelkers, Gerhard Robbers, Wolfgang Schumacher, Karl Schwarz, Emanuel V. Towfigh, Voila Vogel, Hedda Weber, Jörg Winter

Kirche und Recht

General information

ISSN 0947-8094 (print)

ISSN 2366-6722 (online)

Founded: 1995

Publication frequency: biannual

Size: 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Annual number of pages: ca. 288

Languages: German

Review section: Yes

Validation: peer review

Published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, an imprint of Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany)

Databases covering Kirche und Recht:

  • Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBZ)
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur (IBR)
  • Ulrichs web
  • Google Scholar

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to the editoral office. Submissions must be original articles (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. A manuscript submitted to the journal must be ready for publication, the editors do not accept partial or draft versions. In initial submissions, the citation rules of the journal do not have to be strictly followed. 

All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the manuscript. The author is informed of the decision by email. The editors attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.

If a manuscript is accepted, the editors request a file with the final version. Please follow the guidelines of publisher and editors provided below.

There are no fees for submitting and publishing an article in the journal.

You can download our general guidelines for articles in journals and the citation style for Kirche und Recht here:

Guidelines journal and yearbook articles

Please see our information on copyright, self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


For institutions: Do you wish to subscribe to Kirche und Recht? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

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The journal

Zeitschrift für die kirchliche und staatliche Praxis
Zeitschrift für die kirchliche und staatliche Praxis
Zeitschrift für die kirchliche und staatliche Praxis

Kirche und Recht – Beihefte

General information

ISSN 2628-9520 (print)

ISSN 2628-9539 (online)

Founded: 2019

Size: 15,3 x 22,7 cm

Languages: German

Validation: peer review

Published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, an imprint of Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany)

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to our acquisition managers or to the editor-in-chief of the series. Submissions must be original texts (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. Monographs must be complete and fully finished. For multi-authored volumes contact us as early as possible with details of the planned contributions. In initial submissions, our publication guidelines or citation rules do not have to be strictly followed.

All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the project. You will be informed of the decision by email. We attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.

Your manuscript has been accepted for the series and you have the publishing contract in your hands? Then you are ready to prepare your manuscript for publication. Read in our authors' area what you should consider for the final touches to texts and images: 

If you would already like to know what the next production steps up to the finished book look like, you can get an overview here: 

Every project is different, however, and has its special challenges. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

Please see our information on copyright, self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:


Do you wish to order the series on a continuing basis? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

Contact us

Latest books

Tagungsband zur Tagung des Instituts für Kanonisches Recht, 12.–14. Juli 2022, Fulda
Kirche und Recht – Beihefte, Volume 10
Ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zu Fragen ärztlicher Entscheidungskonflikte
Kirche und Recht – Beihefte, Volume 9
Ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zu Fragen eines selbstbestimmten Todes
Kirche und Recht – Beihefte, Volume 8
Tagungsband zur Tagung des Instituts für Kanonisches Recht, 18.-20. Februar 2019, Fulda
Kirche und Recht – Beihefte, Volume 5
Perspektiven für den Rechtsrahmen diakonischen Handelns der katholischen Kirche
Kirche und Recht – Beihefte, Volume 4