Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Études sur l’Histoire de l’Intégration Européenne / Studies on the History of European Integration
With increasing distance to the beginning of the European integration process, the importance of historical studies for analysing the European integration process since its beginnings in the late 1940s is growing. Today, historiography makes an indispensable contribution to the understanding of the history of integration. At the same time, the history of European integration presents historiography with new methodological challenges, as the relevant discourse is still often characterised by the nation-state. Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration (“Studies on the History of European Integration”) therefore illustrates the historical dimension of the European integration process on the one hand, and on the other opens up new ways for research.
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Edited by

Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
General information
ISSN 1868-6214 (print)
ISSN 2699-3147 (online)
Founded: 2009
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Languages: English, French, German
Validation: peer review
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