Beitraege zur Geschichte der Universitaet Greifswald

The series Beitraege zur Geschichte der Universitaet Greifswald , founded in 2000 by Karl-Heinz Spiess, is devoted to the entire spectrum of Greifswald university history from the Middle Ages and the early modern period to the present day. Not least because the university’s territorial affiliation shifted among Pomerania, Sweden, Denmark and Prussia, comparative questions ensure that the view extends far beyond regional connections. In this process, the legal and economic bases of the university, founded in 1456, also come into focus in the studies alongside historical topics.

With its commitment to fundamental historical research, the book series not only publishes relevant monographs and anthologies but also source editions.

> series overview | > the series on our elibrary

Edited by

Dr. Dirk Alvermann

Universität Greifswald
Baderstr. 4–5
17489 Greifswald

Founded by

Christoph Friedrich
Jörg Ohlemacher
Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach
Karl-Heinz Spieß

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald

General information

ISSN 1439-7048 (print)

ISSN 2699-3457 (online)

Founded: 2000

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: German

Validation: peer review

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to our acquisition managers or to the editor of the series. Submissions must be original texts (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. Monographs must be complete and fully finished. For multi-authored volumes contact us as early as possible with details of the planned contributions. In initial submissions, our publication guidelines or citation rules do not have to be strictly followed.

All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the project. You will be informed of the decision by email. We attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.

Your manuscript has been accepted for Beitraege zur Geschichte der Universitaet Greifswald, you have your publishing contract in your hand, and now you would like to know what happens next? Here you can download a guide which will give you an overview of the book-making process and information on the citation styles of our series. Every project is different, however, and we prefer tailor-made solutions to standardisation down to the last detail. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

From manuscript to book

Please see our self-archiving rules and guidelines for the use of PDF reprints here:

> Self-archiving

For our publication ethics statement have a look here:

> Publication ethics


Do you wish to order the series on a continuing basis? Please get in contact with us and write to us here:

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Latest books

Die Finanzverwaltung der Universität Greifswald 1566–1806
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, Volume 13
Porträts ausgewählter Gelehrter 1856 bis 1946
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, Volume 14
Abschlusstagung des Greifswalder "Principes-Projekts"
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, Volume 12
Festschrift zum 150jährigen Bestehen des Historischen Instituts der Universität Greifswald
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, Volume 11
Von der Freiheitszeit bis zum Übergang an Preußen 1721–1815
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, Volume 10.3