Beitraege zur Hagiographie

Ideas about holiness and sacredness, people venerated as saints, artefacts, and stories about things that are holy have gone far beyond the religious realm in determining the social, political, economic and cultural life in the European societies of the past.

The series Beitraege zur Hagiographie is devoted to the meaning-generating function of writing about the sacred and the saints in historical epochs and in the current debate on religion. It offers representatives of historical and literary studies, theology and church history, religious studies and sociology a forum for presenting and discussing their theories of the sacred, their methods of researching the sacred, and hagiographical ways of writing, as well as their empirical analyses of material objects and hagiographical texts.

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Edited by

Prof. Dr. Hedwig Röckelein

(executive editor)

Universität Göttingen
Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
37073 Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bihrer

Universität Kiel
Historisches Seminar
Olshausenstr. 40
24118 Kiel

Prof. Dr. Klaus Herbers

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Institut für Geschichte
Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte und Historische Hilfswissenschaften
Kochstr. 4/9
91054 Erlangen

Prof. Dr. Julia Weitbrecht

Universität zu Köln
Institut für deutsche Sprache/Literatur I
Ältere Sprache und Literatur (Mediävistik)
50923 Köln

Beiträge zur Hagiographie

General information

ISSN 1439-6491 (print)

ISSN 2699-352X (online)

Founded: 2000

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: English, French, German, Italian

Validation: peer review

Publishing information

Please send manuscript submissions to our acquisition managers or to the editors of the series. Submissions must be original texts (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. Monographs must be complete and fully finished. For multi-authored volumes contact us as early as possible with details of the planned contributions. In initial submissions, our publication guidelines or citation rules do not have to be strictly followed.

All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the project. You will be informed of the decision by email. We attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.

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If you would already like to know what the next production steps up to the finished book look like, you can get an overview here: 

Every project is different, however, and has its special challenges. So, if you have any questions, please write to us or give us a call.

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Latest books

Texte, Praktiken und Funktionen in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Beiträge zur Hagiographie, Volume 26
A historical case study of the "Gesta et Passio" and the making of the Danish royal Saint Cnut (c. 1100)
Beiträge zur Hagiographie, Volume 27
Lokale Geschichtsvorstellungen in der Hagiographie des 10.–12. Jahrhunderts
Beiträge zur Hagiographie, Volume 29
Kodifizierung, Autorisierung und Authentisierung von Offenbarung (12.–17. Jahrhundert)
Beiträge zur Hagiographie, Volume 25