Saskia T. Roselaar


Saskia T. Roselaar was born in Alkmaar, the Netherlands, in 1980. She read Ancient History at the University of Utrecht. She then moved to Leiden for her PhD on ‘The role of state-owned land in the Roman economy, 201–88 BC’, which she finished in 2008.

From 2009 to 2011 she worked as a Newton International Research Fellow, on the project ‘Identity and integration in the Roman Republic’. She then held a two-year Nottingham Advanced Research Fellowship from 2011-2013. From 2015 she held a Visiting International Professorship at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Currently, Roselaar works as an independent scholar on various topics related to the history and economy of the Roman Republic.

Research focus

  • Roman Republic
  • Roman economy
  • Integration and identity

Publishing topics

  • Ager publicus
  • Roman economy in the Republican period
  • Integration and identity in the Republican period


  • 2013: Premio Speciale della Corte Costituzionale della Repubblica Italiana (‘Best book written on a Roman law subject’
  • 2012: James Henry Breasted Award, American Historical Association (‘Best book in English in any field of history prior to CE 1000’


  • Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Saskia T. Roselaar

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