Montserrat Claveria


Montserrat Claveria is professor of Ancient Art History at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Associate Researcher at the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, with which she has collaborated since 2005. She carried out research stays in Southampton, London, Madrid, Marburg, Trier and Berlin.

Since 2008 Claveria has been principal investigator of successive competitive projects funded by the Spanish government and carried out in collaboration with museums such as the Museo Nacional del Prado, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and the Castell de Bellver in Palma de Mallorca. Claveria works on Roman sculpture in Hispania, focusing on funerary art, local sculptural production and the reception of classic-style sculpture in the modern and contemporary periods. She collaborates in international projects in France and Poland and her multidisciplinary career integrates art-historical, archaeological, archaeometric, conservation/restoration and digital humanities approaches.

Research focus

  • Roman sculpture
  • Roman provincial art
  • Roman funerary art
  • Roman sculpture and its reception in modern times in the Iberian Peninsula
  • Iconography
  • Archaeometry
  • Historical trajectory of sculptural works from the point of view of conservation/restoration 
  • Digital Humanities Reception of Antiquity
  • Local and imported sculpture in Hispania
  • Greco-Roman and Late Antique iconography


  • Associate Researcher at the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica
  • Corresponding member of the Reial Academia de Bones Lletres, Barcelona
Montserrat Claveria

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Publications by Montserrat Claveria

Roman Sarcophagi in the Provinces / El sarcófago romano en las provincias
Iberica Selecta, Volume 3