Antti Lampinen


Antti Lampinen was awarded his doctorate in Latin Philology from the University of Turku in 2013 with a thesis on the Greek and Roman representations of northern peoples’ religions. Subsequently he held research fellowships in the School of Classics, University of St Andrews, and in the Department of Classics, University of Helsinki. From 2018 to 2023 he worked as the Assistant Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens.

In 2022, Lampinen became a Docent of Classical Philology in his alma mater of the University of Turku, and in 2023 a Docent of Ancient Languages and Culture in the University of Helsinki.

Research focus

  • Ancient ethnographical and geographical thinking
  • Cultural connections and perceptions in the ancient world
  • Processes of stereotyping and the representation of population groups
  • Ancient physiognomical theories

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Publications by Antti Lampinen

Stereotypes and Identity Creation in the Ancient World
Oriens et Occidens, Volume 42