Sozialgeographie kompakt

Up to now, lecturers and students have only been familiar with social geography as embedded in a few comprehensive textbooks in which topicality and cross-references to the social sciences are lacking. Sozialgeographie kompakt pursues a new concept, bringing current topics closer to a wide range of readers in handy and easily navigable volumes. The series attaches particular importance to a balanced consideration of theoretical and research ideas, including those from related disciplines. In addition, it addresses unconventional topics and approaches that are (still) outside the “mainstream.”

Sozialgeographie kompakt publishes research-related content from an innovative subfield of geography in condensed, concise presentations with high didactic demands and extensive illustrative material.

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Edited by

Prof. Dr. Werner Gamerith

Universität Passau
Regionale Geographie
Innstr. 40
94032 Passau

Advisory board

Ulrike Gerhard
Malte Steinbrink
Julia Verne
Ute Wardenga
Peter Weichhart

Sozialgeographie kompakt

General information

ISSN 1865-6323 (print)

ISSN 2699-2868 (online)

Founded: 2008

Size: 15,5 x 22,8 cm

Languages: German

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Latest books

Von Hans Bobek bis Benno Werlen
Sozialgeographie kompakt, Volume 1
Eine Einführung aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive
Sozialgeographie kompakt, Volume 4
Humangeographische Perspektiven der Sicherheits- und Kriminalitätsforschung
Sozialgeographie kompakt, Volume 3
Geschlecht und Raum als soziale Konstruktionen
Sozialgeographie kompakt, Volume 2