Vereinte Nationen
Zeitschrift fuer die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen / German Review on the United Nations
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Edited by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V.Zimmerstr. 26/27
10969 Berlin
DEUTSCHLAND info@dgvn.de
Editorial office
Dr. Patrick Rosenow (editor-in-chief)
Monique Lehmann
Vereinte Nationen
Zimmerstr. 26/27
10969 Berlin
Official website of the journal: www.zeitschrift-vereinte-nationen.de
Editorial board
Friederike Bauer, Dr. Viviane Brunne, Dagmar Dehmer, Claudia Ehrenstein, Prof. Dr. Michael-Lysander Fremuth, Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich, Annette Hornung-Pickert, Dr. Gerrit Kurtz, Thomas Nehls, Dr. Martin Pabst, Teresa Pfützner, Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Strauß
Vereinte Nationen
General information
ISSN 0042-384X (print)
ISSN 2366-6773 (online)
Founded: 1953
Publication frequency: six times per year
Size: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Annual number of pages: ca. 288
Languages: German
Review section: Yes
Validation: peer review
Published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, an imprint of Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany).
All volumes of Vereinte Nationen are available in a digital archive:
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur (IBR)
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Article first
International Political Science Abstracts
Peace Research Abstracts
Ulrichs web
Google Scholar
World Affairs Online/IREON
Kuselit online
Publishing information
Please send manuscript submissions to the editoral office. Submissions must be original articles (no translations) which must not be previously published. During the review process, manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere. A manuscript submitted to the journal must be ready for publication, the editors do not accept partial or draft versions. In initial submissions, the citation rules of the journal do not have to be strictly followed.
All submissions are subjected to peer review. The review process can result in acceptance, the recommendation of revisions or rejection of the manuscript. The author is informed of the decision by email. The editors attempt to reach a decision within 3 months of the submission of the manuscript.
If a manuscript is accepted, the editors request a file with the final version. Please follow the guidelines of publisher and editors provided below.
There are no fees for submitting and publishing an article in the journal.
Please contact the editorial office at the Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V. for any information concerning content, publication guidelines or copyright:
> Editorial office at DGVN
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