Marie-Laure Freyburger-Galland


Retired since ten years, Freyburger-Galland taught ancient Greek in the Université de Haute Alsace during thirty years with a great pleasure. But she was and is still engaged in research.

Freyburger-Galland published ten books between 1984 and 2020, 62 articles during the same period. She delivered also more than 85 papers in front of various audience (large public or scholars) to promote Antiquity and its reception.

Research focus

  • Humanist reception of greek authors, specially Cassius Dio

Publishing topics

  • How Humanists learn ancient Greek language to have a better knowledge of Antiquity
  • Cassius Dio


  • Université de Haute Alsace
  • Académie des Scinces, Arts et Lettres d'Alsace (since 2014)

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Publications by Marie-Laure Freyburger-Galland

Bouleversements dans les sources humanistes du Rhin Supérieur / Umbrüche in den humanistischen Quellen des Oberrheins
Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, Volume 8
Leur Réception chez les humanistes dans les sources imprimées et manuscrites du Rhin Supérieur / Ihre Rezeption bei den Humanisten: Drucke und Handschriften am Oberrhein
Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, Volume 6