Anne Kwaschik


Anne Kwaschik is professor of the history of knowledge at the University of Konstanz. In the field of the history of knowledge, she focusses on modern Western European intellectual and cultural history including global and transatlantic perspectives. Her current research interests include, among others, the scientization of colonialism, the epistemology of feminism and the history of socio-political experiments since 1800.

Prior to joining the University of Konstanz, she has taught and researched in Berlin (FU Berlin, TU Berlin), Paris (EHESS, CIERA DHIP), New York (NYU), and Rome (Roma Tre). Since her dissertation on the French intellectual Robert Minder (2006), French history and historiography has become one of her important work areas. In her last book, she explored the genealogy of the concept of area studies in the 19th and 20th centuries in Western Europe and the US (2018).

She is a member of numerous international and national advisory councils, committees, research centers, doctoral schools, etc.

From 2020 to 2023 she is the academic coordinator of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Work Package 2 Research Group (“Re-imagining Higher Education and Research”)

Research focus

  • History of France and Western Europe (19th and 20th centuries)
  • History of knowledge
  • Intellectual history


  • 2019: LUKS teaching award of the University of Konstanz (awarded by the students)
  • 2010: German-French Parliamentary Prize
  • 2007: Friedrich-Meinecke-Prize for an outstanding dissertation
Anne Kwaschik

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Publications by Anne Kwaschik

Représentations, transferts, relations / Repräsentationen, Transfers, Beziehungen
Schriftenreihe des deutsch-französischen Historikerkomitees, Volume 22
Feminismus und Frauenbewegung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / Féminismes et mouvements de femmes aux XIXe–XXe siècles
Schriftenreihe des deutsch-französischen Historikerkomitees, Volume 12