
Photo: FSV / Hugger

Calendar of events

Would you like to get to know us, browse our books or simply see who is behind the publishing house? That’s fairly easy: we regularly present our product range at conferences, congresses and trade fairs. Why not come and visit us?

Conferences, congresses and trade fairs

At major congresses we regularly present our range of publications at our own stand. In addition to book fairs, the most important dates in the calendar here in Germany are the Historikertag, the Deutsche Kongress fuer Geographie and the Deutsche Germanistentag. We are also frequent guests at the Mommsentagung, the Ranke-Gesellschaft, the GWMT-Tagung, the Verband der OsteuropahistorikerInnen, the AG Fruehe Neuzeit etc. – wherever the specialist community meets.

And we are there for you! Take the opportunity to talk to us. You can find the upcoming dates below. Because larger events can become quite busy, we recommend contacting us in advance so we can reserve some time for you.

In America, Ian Stevens Distribution represents us at events and presents our books at conferences. A selection of conferences attended by our colleagues can be found >here.

Events 2024

Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Globalgeschichte 

Date: 06–08 June 2024

Place: Bremen

31. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (IVR)

Date: 07–12 July 2024

Place: Seoul, Südkorea 

Arbeitstagung der AG Frühe Neuzeit  

Date: 19–21 September 2024

Place: Gotha

14. Kongress des Frankoromanistikverbandes

Date: 24–27 September 2024

Place: Passau

Jahrestagung Junges Forum Rechtsphilosophie 

Date: 24.–26. September 2024

Place: Bayreuth

Frankfurter Buchmesse 

Date: 16–20 October 2024

Place: Frankfurt am Main