Remission guidelines
Remission guidelines for the book trade
Valid since July 2008
- Only returns that have been approved by the Publisher will be credited.
- The reference data (invoice number and date) must be stated for approval.
- The return slip issued by the Publisher must accompany the returned goods. Prices and price stickers must be removed.
- If returned goods arrive without the return slip, no credit will be issued since the returned goods shall be considered unapproved. In this case, the consignment will be made available for collection for four weeks. The consignment may be returned to the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s own expense.
- If the Purchaser does not wish the goods to be returned, all possible claims against the publishing group are excluded.
- The sender bears the consignment costs for returned goods.
- Fixed-purchase publications will not be taken back if they have not been on sale for at least 12 months.
- Publications from purchases older than 24 months will not be taken back.
- The invoice date is decisive for the deadline.
- Damaged copies, defective copies
- Congress and exhibition consignments returned within 90 days
- RR or Offprint orders within the agreed period
- Old issues within four weeks after publication of the new issue if the purchase period does not go back more than one year
- Provably incorrect deliveries by the publishing group will be credited without prior approval.
- Where the reference data are missing, the Publisher levies a handling fee of 50 percent of the credit amount.
- If the books are damaged, an 80 percent handling fee will be charged
Please address any enquiries to:
Franz Steiner Verlag
Frau Judith Bickel
Birkenwaldstr. 44
70191 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 2582-0
Fax: +49 711 2582-390
Returns only to:
Twenty 5 Logistik GmbH & Co.KG
c/o Franz Steiner Verlag
Langenscheidtstraße 10
99867 Gotha
New releases
Jadwiga Kita-Huber (ed.) ,
Jörg Paulus (ed.) ,
Renata Dampc-Jarosz (asst.) ,
Simona Noreik (asst.) ,
Agnieszka Sowa (asst.) ,
Katarzyna Szarszewska (asst.) ,
Paweł Zarychta (asst.)
Schreiben im Zeichen des Umbruchs
Briefe von Schriftstellerinnen aus der Sammlung...