Complimentary copies
Complimentary copies
- As a rule, we need 6–8 weeks from printing approval to delivery for the printing, binding and delivery. Then it is finished: your book is published!
- In the first shipment, the free copies for authors, publishers and contributors are sent by post.
- For publications that appear in a series, we of course provide the editorial board with copies, too.
- Sponsors who settle their accounts directly with us receive their volumes from us.
- The despatch of a deposit copy for the national library, and for the regional library that is entitled to receive a copy, is done automatically by the publisher.
- The distribution of review copies is, of course, also handled by us.
Digital “offprints”
- Contributors to edited volumes usually receive an electronic offprint as a PDF file in addition to their free copy. Our offprints include the respective article as well as the table of contents of the whole volume and a title page, along with the compiled bibliography (if applicable).
- Even digital offprints still require a lot of manual work. For this reason, they are not despatched until some time after the publication date.
Preferential copies
- If you ordered additional copies before print approval at a 50% discount, they are usually despatched separately from the free copies, so you may receive several packages.
New releases
Jadwiga Kita-Huber (ed.) ,
Jörg Paulus (ed.) ,
Renata Dampc-Jarosz (asst.) ,
Simona Noreik (asst.) ,
Agnieszka Sowa (asst.) ,
Katarzyna Szarszewska (asst.) ,
Paweł Zarychta (asst.)
Schreiben im Zeichen des Umbruchs
Briefe von Schriftstellerinnen aus der Sammlung...