Page proofs
- Once your text is ready for typesetting, we need 4–6 weeks for the layout.
- You will receive the typeset text as a PDF for correction.
- To ensure that your volume is published quickly, please check the layout promptly and enter your corrections carefully.
Further information for editors
- For the dispatch of the proofs (and a complimentary copy of the finished volume), please send us an address list of all the contributors (postal and email addresses).
- You receive the page proofs of the complete volume from us.
- Simultaneously, we will send each contributor the page proofs of their text for proofreading and a request to send their contribution after review to you within a fortnight.
- If you do not hear back from a contributor regarding their proofs, the contribution will not be printed.
- Corrections mistakenly sent by contributors directly to us are forwarded unseen to you as responsible editor. These corrections are not carried out by us because they must first be checked by you.
- Please merge your corrections with those of the contributors into a single and final version and submit them to us.
- The revision of the proofs is only sent to you as editor responsible, not (again) to the contributors.
Further information for contributors
- You receive the page proofs of your article from us.
- After reviewing, please send your corrections to the editor responsible of your volume within a fortnight.
- The editors merge all corrections and submit them to us.
- The revision of the proofs is carried out by the editors only.
What is proof correction for?
- The correction of the proofs is purely to eliminate the errors which were introduced during layout. At this stage, editorial reworking is no longer possible or can give rise to higher costs, which we may have to charge you for.
- In the proofs, please pay close attention to the following:
- Are the placement, numbering and labelling of the figures and images correct?
- Are the footnotes in the correct place?
- Does the text follow on from one page to the next correctly?
- Have any special characters (e.g. Greek characters, diacritical marks) been transferred without error?
- Are hyphenation and line breaks correct?
- Are the quotation marks in the correct form?
- Has a distinction been made between hyphens and dashes?
- Has the space before and after slashes been correctly inserted or deleted?
- Are there placeholders (■■■) in the document (e.g. cross-references) to be resolved?
- Are the running heads correct?
even page = level 1 heading / uneven page = level 2 heading
Edited volumes:
even page = author / uneven page = title of the contribution - Authors of monographs and editors must pay particular attention to the table of contents and check it carefully:
- Is the pagination (and the headings) in the table of contents correct?
- Here you will find our instructions for entering corrections.
Ordering preferential copies
- You are welcome to order preferential copies (in addition to your free copy/ies) at a dicsount of 50% until they are approved for printing. We will send you an order form with the page proofs, which you should complete and send to sonderbestellungen@steiner-verlag.
- For orders placed after print approval of your volume, you will receive an author’s discount of 25%. Please contact
New releases
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Agnieszka Sowa (asst.) ,
Katarzyna Szarszewska (asst.) ,
Paweł Zarychta (asst.)
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