E-books and e-library
On this page
- As a rule, we produce an e-book of every newly printed book. Our e-books are primarily published in PDF format, which is preferred by many libraries and ensures permanent citability as well as display options on any device. Your e-book is permanently available via our webshop, online book shops and via our e-library BiblioScout, which is particularly designed for libraries and other institutional clients.
- From 28 June 2025, every new e-book we publish will meet the legal requirements for accessibility. The additional technical preparation and editorial enhancement of the data improves the usability of electronic publications.
- For certain primary text editions and other publications, it is not possible to provide accessible e-books. If this is the case, we will inform you of the alternative options.
- Our publications are available digitally via BiblioScout, the e-library of our publishing group Deutscher Apotheker Verlag. BiblioScout offers intuitive access to all e-books and e-journals published by Franz Steiner Verlag and Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, continuously updated with new publications and selected backlist titles.
- Our BiblioScout service is used by numerous libraries in Germany and abroad as well as other institutions and companies. Through the e-library, our customers can quickly and easily acquire a comprehensive workplace licence for their e-book, making the publication accessible to many users.
- BiblioScout also provides metadata of books and journals and distributes it to aggregators. Abstracts, keywords, references, information on authors and other metadata increase the exposure and discoverability of your publication. We thus fulfil the requirements of abstracting and indexing services for the complete indexing of publications.
New releases
Jadwiga Kita-Huber (ed.) ,
Jörg Paulus (ed.) ,
Renata Dampc-Jarosz (asst.) ,
Simona Noreik (asst.) ,
Agnieszka Sowa (asst.) ,
Katarzyna Szarszewska (asst.) ,
Paweł Zarychta (asst.)
Schreiben im Zeichen des Umbruchs
Briefe von Schriftstellerinnen aus der Sammlung...