Table of contents and structure monograph
Front matter, dedication page, acknowledgements and foreword
- The front matter (pp. 1–4) and cover are produced by the publisher shortly before going to press. You will be sent both for checking (see also cover and front matter).
- If you wish to have an extra dedication page, please include it in the manuscript copy as an extra page when you submit it so that we can take it into account in the pagination. If the dedication is to be less “prominent”, you can include it in your acknowledgements or foreword.
- Acknowledgements or forewords which do not constitute an introduction to the topic are placed before the table of contents.
- All the text elements that appear before the table of contents, as well as the table of contents itself, do not belong in the table of contents of the finished book. Please list them anyway so that we can be sure that all text elements are complete. We will clean up the table of contents later in the layout.
Table of contents and chapter structure
- Please create a table of contents – either manually or automatically. Particularly in the case of manually created tables of contents, make sure that the entries are exactly (!) identical in wording with the chapter headings in the text and please pay attention to font styles (e.g. italics). Otherwise it will be unclear to us which title is the correct one.
- Automatically created tables of contents are an excellent test to check whether the chapter structure is coherent and the heading hierarchy is logical. If you cannot create the table of contents automatically, please check the heading levels in your volume particularly carefully for stringency.
- It is best to use the standard format templates of your word processing programme to mark up the heading levels in your manuscript. Don't worry about beauty – we will take care of the layout. The manuscript is all about a clean and clearly recognisable structure.
- We include headings in categories 1–3 in the table of contents as standard. If you would like to have more or fewer levels in the table of contents, please let us know when you submit your manuscript.
- You can use any coherent chapter numbering. (Only the number 0 is not permitted.) We recommend using Arabic numerals, but this is not obligatory.
- Sublevels never consist of just a number, but always of text as well.
- If the volume consists of several parts which should be separated by intermediate pages, list the corresponding headings in the table of contents and insert the titles on their own separate page in the respective place in the manuscript. Intermediate pages with subheadings are always followed by a heading 1, never directly by continuous text.
- The page numbers are irrelevant, they change anyway due to the layout.
Sample table of contents, chapter structure and formatting
Dedication page
Heading 1
To be deleted in the table of contents of the book.
Heading 1
To be deleted in the table of contents of the book.
Heading 1
To be deleted in the table of contents of the book.
Table of contents
Heading 1
To be deleted in the table of contents of the book.
1. Introduction
Heading 1
Counting of the main chapters begins here. Number 0 is not permitted.
Part I
Only required if the volume is divided into parts separated by intermediate pages.
1. Main chapter
With a subheading
With a subheading
Heading 1
1.1 First sublevel
Heading 2
Sublevels never consist of just a number, but always of text as well.
1.2 First sublevel
Heading 2
1.2.1 Second sublevel
Heading 3
2. Another main chapter
Also with a subheading
Heading 1
List of figures
Heading 1
Not counted.
Heading 1
Not counted.
Heading 1
Not counted. Not yet available at the time of manuscript submission.
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