Stability and Crisis in the Athenian Democracy

Stability and Crisis in the Athenian Democracy


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Was the Athenian democracy anarchic, given to domestic violence and hence unstable, as claimed by some scholars, or was it a stable, well-ordered, social system, provided with in-built mechanisms to overcome crisis? Various aspects of this question, central to the understanding of the Athenian democracy, are investigated in this volume by a team of distinguished experts. The often surprising answers they provide should be of interest to specialists as well as laymen. The volume is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Alexander Fuks.

"Die sauber dokumentierten und anregenden Beiträge laden zum Weiterdenken ein […]. Offenheit der Argumente und verlässliche Information machen die Stärke dieses lesenswerten Bandes aus."

Hans Kloft, Historische Zeitschrift 297, 2013/2

"A collection of illuminating and brilliant articles."

Jaroslav Danes, Studia Graeca et Latina XLVIII, 2012/I+II

"Die Beiträge haben insgesamt gesehen ein erfreulich hohes Niveau. Sie bieten einen gelungenen Überblick über Vorzüge und Schwächen der athenischen Demokratie."

Karl-Wilhelm Welwei, Gymnasium 119, 2012/6
Series Historia – Einzelschriften
Volume 220
ISBN 978-3-515-09867-0
Media type Book - Hardcover
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2011
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 165 pages
Size 17.0 x 24.0 cm
Language English