Violence in Antiquity / Gewalt in der Antike

Religious Approaches to its Legitimation and Delegitimation / Religiöse Ansätze zu ihrer Legitimierung und Delegitimierung /

Violence in Antiquity / Gewalt in der Antike

Religious Approaches to its Legitimation and Delegitimation / Religiöse Ansätze zu ihrer Legitimierung und Delegitimierung /


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What is the role of religious aspects in legitimizing or delegitimizing violence? The articles of this volume provide an important contribution to this crucial social and scholarly debate. Analysing a broad spectrum of case studies from antiquity, they focus on religious justifications or evaluations of recommended, performed, or forbidden acts of violence – regardless of the question of their historicity. Not only late antiquity and Christianity are considered, but also pre-Christian Greek and Roman civilizations, Judaism, literary myth, and atheism. The case studies cover the period from the fifth century BCE to the fifth century CE and a broad geographical scope extending from Gaul to Israel and Egypt. This volume offers new insights into a highly topical issue.

Volume 26
ISBN 978-3-515-13454-5
Media type eBook - PDF
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2023
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 191 pages
Language German, English
Copy protection digital watermark