Equal Security

Europe and the SALT Process, 1969–1976

Equal Security

Europe and the SALT Process, 1969–1976


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Superpower détente during the Nixon-Ford Administration led to the formation of an East-West regime aimed at conflict control and systemic stability. 'Equal Security' was the proclaimed goal. By institutionalizing bipolarity, however, the bilateral US-SU Strategic Arms Limitation Talks actually threatened Western European security, for global security and Alliance security were ultimately incompatible. NATO Europe feared the emergence of a global directorate of the superpowers and became apprehensive that the US would be ready to abandon the cause of Europe and sacrifice European and German unity for the sake of a stable world order. In reaction, NATO Europe sought to shape the SALT process to ensure that equal security applied to all – the Soviet Union, the United States and the European Allies.

This e-book analyses the linkages between SALT, MBFR, NATO and the special Anglo-American nuclear relationship. It also explores how NATO Europe penetrated US decision-making and co-shaped the US SALT agenda and how Scoop Jackson Democrats and NATO Europe aligned to preserve Western block superiority, freezing the SALT II process. Based on recently declassified European archival material, the e-book offers a fresh interpretation of and a 'new look' at SALT.

"Dietl hat eine originelle, facettenreiche und quellenstarke Darstellung zu einem Thema vorgelegt, das für die Geschichte des Ost-West-Konflikts, der transatlantischen Beziehungen und Westeuropas nach 1945 von herausragendem Gewicht ist"

Andreas Lutsch, Sehepunkte 14, 2014/2
ISBN 978-3-515-10577-4
Media type eBook - PDF
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2013
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 251 pages
Language English
Copy protection digital watermark