Applied Classics

Comparisons, Constructs, Controversies

Applied Classics

Comparisons, Constructs, Controversies


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This volume assembles 15 essays (11 in English, 4 in German), which reflect on the diverse and changing ways in which themes and phenomena of classical antiquity were, have been, or should be, integrated into areas beyond Classics: in the study of political phenomena such as modern democracy and European integration; in the critical assessment of a historical period such as the Ancien Régime in France; in the shaping of a civil society in Germany at the time of the Enlightenment and in the formative phase of the United States; in the process of state formation in modern Greece and nineteenth-century Germany; in times of war and crisis; in education, science, or popular culture.

"inquisitive, original, and well executed"

Daniel P. Tompkins, Scripta Classica Israelica 30, 2011

"Der Band Applied Classics vermittelt ein unkonventionelles Bild vom Stellenwert der Antike in der heutigen Zeit, betont nicht nur Unterschiede, sondern auch regelrechte Gefahren, zielt aber auch auf neuartige Zugangsformen und lässt auf vielfältige Weise die Lebendigkeit und Unabgegoltenheit der griechischen und römischen Traditionen sichtbar werden."

Volker Riedel, Museum Helveticum 67, 2010/4
ISBN 978-3-515-09739-0
Media type eBook - PDF
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2009
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 259 pages
Illustrations 18 b/w figs.
Language German, English
Copy protection digital watermark